Government College for Girls, Palwal (Kurukshetra)
Code of conduct for Students
All students are expected to observe rules and regulations to enable the smooth working of the college and keep Harmony, Silence and Educational Atmosphere in the College premises.
Therefore, all students of College are introducing the following code of conduct which must be followed by every student of the college.
To attend all the classes regularly as per the assigned timetable and maintaining at least 75% record in her attendance.
Absence in class for more than 7 days together without any information to the concerned teacher will result in getting the name struck off as well as invite a fine.
Student will have to bring their parents/guardians to seek readmission within 15 days of their name getting struck off the Rolls. Admission may be given with a penal payment of Rs 500/- and permission from the Principal of the college.
No student shall leave the premises before the 1:00 PM without the Permission of mentor.
It is mandatory for the students to wear/carry Identity cards daily.
As per Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra norms 75% attendance is mandatory to appear university examination.
Students should greet the teachers when they see them/across them for the first time, in a day, in the college.
Only urgent/important notice shall be read out in classroom. Students should see the notice board daily and keep themselves well informed about the various notices that may be put up there from time to time.
Ragging is an offence. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the college campus/premises and liable to be treated as criminal offence as per the provisions envisaged under Haryana Anti Ragging Act, 2012.
Consumption of Alcohol, Chewing Tobacco or smoking is strictly prohibited in the campus.
Every student help to keep college premises/campus/Class Room & desk- chairs clean and neat, everyone must use dust bin for garbage and not destroying any green areas/ flora and avoid using any plastic material in the campus.
College premises are under CCTV surveillance, everyone must follow the disciplinary manners in College Premises/Campus/Classroom.
Student shall refrain from using mobile phones unnecessarily and they shall keep their mobile phones in silent mode especially in the class and library.
Students should make use of College Library and must not move in the college premises whenever they have a free period.For any kind of misbehavior with teachers /administrative staff or creating disturbances in the college premises/ in classroom by a student or group of students, a full range of disciplinary action will be taken against her/them.
Writing on walls, pillars, bath rooms, and furniture is strictly prohibited. Continued poor performance in internal tests and poor class attendance by any student, the principal has the authority to withhold permission for her to appear the university examinations.
Students must not damage the electrical gadgets, furniture in the classroom & Labs as well as other locations in the Campus.
Each student should have to use the designated parking and abide by all traffic rules by wearing helmets and are also personally responsible for the safety of their vehicles.
No arrangement of party/function at their own level without prior permission of the Principal is allowed.
It is mandatory for all the students to attend the seminars/workshops/extension lectures conducted for them and they cannot enter/leave the room without the permission of the concerned teacher.
The college Code of Conduct for the students is not an exhaustive one. The students are expected to be Good Samaritans and play an active role in taking the college to new heights of reputation and glory.
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Code of Conduct for stdents